
Please join us for the next gathering of GOtham GREEN

Please join us for the next gathering of GOtham GREEN
4026 days ago 8 comments Categories: Politics Tags:Gotham GREEN, DEP, Environment, Environmental Protection, Water Quarity, Air Quality, Noise Pollution, Hazardous Materials, Clean Water, Clean Air, Donovan Richtards

One thing really nice about our tribe involves what I like to call proximity to action.


One often sees things on the news and might ponder how might one effect change or make an impact.


Many of us can seize such an opportunity courtesy of our tribe – Gotham affords just that.


Many examples exist but let me share one available when Gotham GREEN meets next week at the legendary Friars Club, Thursday, March 6, 2014, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.


As I posted to Fredslist last week, “Not everyday can you get to meet decision-makers who affect our daily lives.” But come to Gotham GREEN next week; guaranteed delivers just that!


Just give it some thought: New York City's Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”) delivers us clean water to drink and bathe in;

it makes sure (most of) the water we we use gets treated before disposal into our waterways;

it regulates and protects our air quality;

it helps keep the noise we endure somewhat reasonable; and

it regulates hazardous material from storage to transport to disposal within NYC.


And just who keeps watch on DEP you might query?


If, on Wednesday, March 6 at the Friars Club, you join folks like myself and my co-Networker of the Year Josh Zinder (who by all reports ran a great Gotham Ski Trip) and our dynamic GC, Sherry Rivera, perhaps even a cameo by our tribal co-leader, you get to meet the dynamic young elected official official who performs the legislative oversight over this important agency. On that date for lunch, Gotham GREEN hosts Queens City Councilman Donovan Richards who just happens to chair the Council's Committee on Environmental Protection. Perhaps you saw the details in the emails our dynamic GC, Sherry Rivera already shared. If not, or if you did not, act then, why not seize the chance to make your reservation. We make it easy for you. Just copy and paste this link in your browser:


A Meeting not to be missed.


In a prior life I served as chair to Councilman who chaired the committee for four years in the late 1980s so I can testify to the importance of the role. Prior to his February 2013 election, Councilman Richards spent the last decade fighting for better policies and services for New Yorkers. He served as chief of staff to his predecessor, current NYS Senator James Sanders. Donovan represents much of Southeast Queens and the eastern portion of the Rockaways. He has been active in the post-Sandy rebuilding efforts and is working to address flooding that plagues much of southeast Queens.


As chair of the Committee on Environmental Protection, he leads he council's oversight over the city's Waste water Treatment and Water Pollution Control, Air Quality and Noise Abatement, the delivery of clean drinking water to New Yorkers from the City's Croton and Delaware Watersheds and the regulation of hazardous materials stored and shipped within and through NYC. The delivery of drinking water and waste water collection both require the city to build and maintain significant infrastructure. The committee also exercises oversight on the prior administration's sustainability programs and how those programs will be continued or re-shaped by the new leadership at city hall.


Don't not miss this opportunity to meet and develop a relationship with a major player in the City Council and new City Hall. Click here to RSVP (See "Pay Now" under actions at top left of the page) and ensure your seat at the table.


*I ask all Gothamites who signing up to be sure to click on the “I'll be there button” on the event page so everyone will know you are coming.


Any Questions? Please contact me.


Will we see you on March 6?


I hope so.

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