Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
12.04.2018 (2287 days ago)

Please Please Don’t Make Me Go Back

Please Please Don’t Make Me Go Back
2287 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


There are very few things that get me more riled up than wasting someone’s time, including my own.



Have you had the experience yet of going down to your DMV to get a new Enhanced Drivers License? Well, if not, I suggest some deep breathings exercise, a little meditation, or perhaps a bottle of wine before you go.



I did not have any of those things, but I did have my research skills. Those are well honed after all of these years practicing law.



So, I researched everywhere I could find information to make sure that I would have with me the pieces of proof listed on the state website. I was prepared for some waiting but wanted to get ahead of an unproductive trip. You see where my story is going, right?



I used the DMV website checklist, I double checked my papers – and then I called to make sure the information I had gathered would be sufficient. I asked a very specific question and was given a very specific answer in the affirmative. Confident that I was now fully prepared to tackle this challenge, off I went.



But . . . it didn’t go so well. After waiting on one line, my documents were checked and I was told that what I had with me was insufficient. Specifically, the document I was told would be adequate proof on line and by phone was rejected in person.



I asked for a supervisor who told me in six different ways that not only was the DMV website wrong but so was the person at DMV who I called and spoke with. Yes, I had his name but it didn’t matter at all. They told me to call his supervisor. Not helpful advice at that moment.  How is it possible that both the DMV website and the representative who answers the phone were both wrong? I have not received a satisfactory answer to that question.



So, I waited to renew my license because I was already there but I think I won’t get the Enhanced License anytime soon. I’m not sure my blood pressure could stand it.

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