Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
04.30.2017 (2867 days ago)

Playin' in the band

Playin' in the band
2867 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:basketball, teamwork

I enjoy teamwork.


From playing basketball many a time, I see one or more players complaining about the sides we make.


We really endeavor to balance things.


I look beyond the sum of individual talents and the try to weigh the chemistry of the team; how they work together, find open players, make the right pass, set that monster pick, roll to the basket.


When we last played five on five that happened and we did not lose a game even though the individual favored the other team most of the games we played.


Teamwork applies to more that sports and can really make a difference.


At our regular campaign meeting last week, we decided must organize a fundraising event – even though I believe personal and direct outreach by the candidate key to raising the cash a campaign needs.


In less than 24 hours, we developed a plan, secured a venue, developed and invitation, readied a mailing and emailing.


That embodies teamwork too and made me proud. And the commitments started to roll in.


I cannot say enough about the fruits of working together in common cause.


It applies to many successful outcomes.


Try it (some more). You’ll like it.


It’s like playing in the band.

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