Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
07.19.2017 (2777 days ago)

Picture This!

Picture This!
2777 days ago 4 comments Categories: Politics Tags:Gotham Film Festival, Facebook, Website

Gotham Networking is not just a place to grow your business, but a is a fertile ground for creativity. One of our most fabulous events encouraging this, is the Gotham Film Festival. We are now accepting entries for #6. Yes, our SIXTH festival.

We, your Gotham Film Fest team, would LOVE if you would share this info with any and all filmmakers, friends of filmmakers, acquaintances of filmmakers, people who love film and complete strangers.




You can do this by going to our website:

and our Facebook page:

Give out our Flyer:

Please Like, Share and Talk about this.

There are significant monetary prizes, but you gotta be in to win it.

We need you to spread the word to your large network. Or your small network. Or your neighbor. Or the person next to you on the train...


Be a part of something engaging. Gotham Film Festival 6.


There are no rules in filmmaking. Only sins. And the cardinal sin is dullness.
– Frank Capra


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