Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
03.10.2021 (1468 days ago)

Phone A Friend

Phone A Friend
1468 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

George Washington knew he needed to cross the Delaware during the Battle of Trenton. It wasn’t a matter of if, it was when. He picked his moment, in the middle of the night and crossed the Delaware. Have you ever been up against a difficult situation, where everything was working against your efforts? No matter how hard you try, the proverbial goal post moved further away? This time last year, we faced the onset of a global pandemic, a market sell off, uncertainty of food sources, zero toilet paper, and no more Clorox wipes. Today, we’re distributing vaccines and talking about returning to the office. Keeping emotions in check, help us think our way through. In life, look to your inner Washington, pick your time and cross your “Delaware”

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