Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.12.2023 (661 days ago)

Person To Person

Person To Person
661 days ago 18 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

In the early days of television (it was seen in black and white) Edward R. Murrow presented 2 compelling TV shows: See It Now and Person To Person.  

Flash forward to today, as we emerge from the confines of the pandemic and seek in person experiences.  

As you know, Gotham is aware of your Zoom fatigue and endeavoring to schedule as many face to face, in person, events as possible, eg, Mets/Yankee game on 6/14.

This past Tuesday, I experienced my first such event, at sundown (pictured), on the rooftop of the Hard Rock Hotel.  

Gothamites were there in ample numbers, with drinks in hand, and the networking interaction was enthusiastic and productive.  

One of the most prominent things I heard (and said) was "You look better in person than on the screen!"

To call it a successful experience is an understatement!

And it was in color :)

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So sorry I missed it Fred, I am sure with you there it was a HUGE success!

Posted By : Crysti