07.30.2014 (3876 days ago)

Perpetual Campaigning and Groupthink

Perpetual Campaigning and Groupthink
3876 days ago 19 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The information highway has thrust upon us an onslaught of propoganda.  It used to be that the propoganda was contained by the radio, TV, newspapers or billboards and focused on politics and selling soft drinks.  Now with the advent of social media, we are awash with outrage 24/7.  We are constantly being manipulated to formulate an opinion on everything...and not just a soft malleable position.  It must be a boastful and intractable position.

"That's a disgrace!!!"

It's not just another can't be just wrong...It's an outrage!!!!!!!!!!!

That person should lose his job.  He should be prevented from ever being able to earn an income again.  His family too, they should be held accountable.  Did you hear what that guy said about it?  He should be fired too!!!!!  We have to send a message that this way of thinking is not acceptable.  He and everyone who doesn't denounce him an everything he stands for should be openly shunned by all of society!!!!


He's a liar!  He's a bully!  He's a racist!  He's a bigot!  He's ungodly!  He's un-American!  He's against freedom!  He's a fascist!  He's a coward!...wait a minute look at all those "He's"...He clearly hates women!!!


I used to love debate, contemplation, discussion.  It was thoroughly enjoyable to engage in the act of communicating with someone without guarded walls, without phoniness and political correctness.  To have a discussion without bitterness.  To truly get to know who someone is and how they think, to understand what they believe in, why and whether or not I can learn something from it.


Now, why should I bother listening to anyone else when I have all the answers.  I don't have to worry about developing my own ideas, about being fair, or being right.  All I have to do is make sure I go with the flow, stand with the majority and everything will be okay. People will like me.  I don't have to worry about public scorn.  I can even crash down on the others as loud as I want, without discretion or reasoning.  After all, anyone who tries to oppose me will be destroyed by the avalanche of social and political groupthink.


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