01.20.2020 (1875 days ago)

Permission to Relax

Permission to Relax
1875 days ago 15 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Lately, a lot of my inspiration for my blogs have come from my Weight Watchers meetings. One of the topics we have discussed recently was the importance of relaxation. That topic became relevant last week during a lunchtime discussion at work.


 I was having lunch with three other attorneys. During our meal, I asked what their plans were for the coming three-day weekend. One attorney responded that he would be coming to the office on Saturday while the other mentioned that he would be in the office on Monday. The third then stated that she would be bringing work home to do over the weekend. When the conversation turned to me, I answered with, “I’m relaxing.” No one at the table responded to me.


 We all work very hard. I believe it’s very important to offset our diligent work habits with an ability to also relax. I think for many of us, it is very hard to allow ourselves time just to relax.


Do you give yourself permission to relax?


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