Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.13.2024 (183 days ago)


183 days ago 26 comments Categories: Games Tags:

Monday's annual Gotham Networking, Bob Formica Memorial Golf Outing (sponsored by Raj and Sharon Goel's Brainlink International), dawned clear and crisp and warmed to a perfect, sunny, 70 degree day.  

So many great things occurred on this special day, shepherded by Entertainment Chair Norm Spizz and his stellar Golf Committee.  

Registration was seemless under the stewardship of Norm, Laurel Scarr-Konel (and husband Michael) and Fred Morante.

Breakfast was highlighted by my delicious bacon cheese omelet and seeing old and new friends casually dressed in collared shirts and shorts.  

At 11:30 we were off and golfing on the perfectly manicured Cold Spring Country Club links, with Victoria Drogin at the wheel of our Jason Greenberg, Phoenix Public Adjusters, sponsored golf cart.  

Having "Hard Hitting" Don Bernstein return to our foursome (pictured) after all these years and golf better than ever was perfect too.   He and Paul Napolitano were our golfing mainstays.  

Not so perfect was my slogging through 18 holes on a bad knee, but I exceeded my expectations and survived, which was a good thing too.  

The cocktail hour was bustling like it hasn't in years and the food was, well, perfect, as was all the positive intercourse (networking) fueled by ample alcohol.  

My cocktail hour was highlighted by finally getting to meet Anna Celano, the far better half of our good friend and mystery writer Tony Celano.  

If this all was not enough, it was prelude to the main event: Dinner and the Awards.  

At dinner, I was most fortunate to be seated between Crysti Farra and Victoria where I enjoyed more (too much) delicious food.  Scott Bloom aptly coined it as a "5000 calorie day"!

Norm presided over the prize winner/awards presentations, which were highlighted by the announcement of a rare Hole in One $10,000 prize and the auction of two impossible to get reservations at the fabled Rao's Restaurant, which garnered $6000 for the Gotham Foundation Season of Giving Initiative.  

Then, in the perfect ending of a perfect day, Gotham Queens group member, elder lawyer, Jeffrey Greenwood won the 50/50 and donated his $1,025 share back to the Foundation.  Thank you Jeffrey!


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I miss those days. Glad you are still able to participate.

Posted By : louis petrone