Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
08.07.2019 (2030 days ago)

People, Places or Things?

People, Places or Things?
2030 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Eleanor Roosevelt said "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

I had the priveldge of visiting two distinct beaches along the New Jersey shore this summer and each beach and its corresponding town carried its own specific vibe. Where does the vibe come from? I believe its a compilation of various energies, but the most influential could be its human population. Standing in line at Sundea's Best, I heard a group of people talking about who bought new boats, which families had golf carts around town and what golf clubs they held membership. Frankly, it was boring, uninteresting and not my flavor of ice cream. Lots of people and events, but it lacked content.

At the second beach, I overheard conversations that included class assignments, start dates for football practice and foreign exchange programs. Two teenagers waited in line for ice cream at Springers, wearing NASA t-shirts and discussed summer school projects in preperation for the upcoming school year. Like a warm comfortable blanket, this was more my flavor. The depth of conversation, the interest in "things" greater then themselves, a curiousity carefully nurtured and respected. YES!

This connection reminded much like the time I attended my first Gotham meeting in NY. Instant connection and being with "my peeps".....


How would you discribe "your crowd"?

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