Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
01.14.2017 (2973 days ago)

Penny wise

Penny wise
2973 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Have you every gotten frustrated and angry at our government institutions (I know;) Here's a captial your government bill with pennies.


In fact a business owner recently did this. Nick Stafford paid a DMV bill of $2,987.45 using five wheelbarrows filled with 300,000 pennies.


The employees at the DMV office in Lebanon, Virginia were forced to count each penny by hand to confirm they totaled the right amount, which they did.


Stafford explained that his bank had to have the pennies brought in on a big truck. "They had to special order those from, I guess, from the U.S. Mint.” But it came at a price. He had to pay his employees $10 an hour to count the coins. It took them four hours to count it all.


“When we got the pennies from the bank they came rolled, so, instead of taking the pennies in rolls, we paid 11 people to come with hammers to break up the penny rolls,” he said. He also had to purchase the wheelbarrows needed to carry the 1,600 pounds of pennies.


“It cost a lot to get the pennies down there but I think I proved my point and that in and of itself is priceless.”


Not sure what point he was making but the thought of counting the pennies makes the smile.

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