01.09.2025 (45 days ago)

Pencil to Paper

Pencil to Paper
45 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

In a recent telephone conversation, the attorney on the other side of the dispute offered to draft the document reflecting our agreement to resolve the matter.
“I’ll put pencil to paper.” He said.
I haven’t heard that phrase in a while and it got me thinking about the creative process.
I wondered whether he would actually put “pencil to paper” or whether he would take to his keyboard.
I’m old school and still find myself putting “pencil to paper” when drafting or composing anything longer than a quick email … or a blog. I envision the connection between my brain, my arm and my hand and it’s worked for many years and I’m not about to change.
I recognize that, for others, the process never involves a pencil or paper, but I’ll keep the pencils nearby with the pad.

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I always have a yellow pad by my side!

Posted By : Laurel Scarr-Konel