Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
01.25.2019 (2241 days ago)

Pass it On!

Pass it On!
2241 days ago 22 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

A 100 years from now very few of us today will still be functioning.  Yet, (hopefully) the World as we know it will continue to thrive, turn and ripen.  

Just as 100 years ago few of us were alive.  Yet 1919 society, as it was, thrived and resonates still today.  A great example is the epic Babe Ruth trade that year from the Boston Red Sox to my Yankees. 

Babe Ruth is even more famous today than in 1919. 

True, in 1919 they did not have the internet or iPhones, but mothers, fathers, grand parents, teachers, mentors, role models and leaders lived, loved and passed it on.

Passed what on?

Passed on all our then accumulated knowledge, training, skills, tricks and experience to those coming up so that they too can live, love, thrive and pass it on. 

Keep on keeping on!

Pass it on!

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