Nancy Schess
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08.16.2022 (933 days ago)

Parenting and Baseball

Parenting and Baseball
933 days ago 8 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

I am sure you have all seen the news story about the Little League World Series game where two young players displayed not only sportsmanship but compassion. 


In an emotional moment, the pitcher sent off a fastball that just got away from him.  Without any intention of injuring the batter, he nonetheless did.  The batter hit the ground and stayed there for a few tense moments.


But then the batter stood up, slowly, brushed himself off and headed off to first base.  As he arrived though, he saw the pitcher crying on the mound.  The pitcher had been so upset by hitting the batter, he was wearing it for the crowd to see.


The batter, now on first, called a time out and headed to the pitcher’s mound.  “You’re doing great”, he told the pitcher and wrapped his arms around him for a hug.


Let us take that lesson from these young men and apply it worldwide. What a testament to compassion and empathy.  These were competitors in a high stakes high pressure game – but they were first human beings.


Kudos to these athletes and their parents.

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Comments from Guests
Yes, that was very touching. I had seen the video. Yes we can learn a great deal from children.

Posted By : Bill