Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
01.08.2013 (4444 days ago)

Parenting - What Do You Think?

Parenting - What Do You Think?
4444 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Have you seen the video of the young boy, maybe 10 years old, melting down because his mother let him believe he had mistakenly purchased a $50,000 Mustang on the internet? His mother, the videographer, can be heard encouraging the boy's misconception and laughing in the background as he cries "I am going to have to sell everything I own" and his sister offers to share her allowance.

When interviewed, the mom -- and her son -- claim that the episode was all in good fun. It is important, she goes on, for children to learn to have a sense of humor and not take things too seriously.

I am all for the occasional prank -- but I have to say this story left me wondering about what this mom could have been thinking.

Did you see the video?

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