10.12.2014 (3788 days ago)

Painting No. 21

Painting No. 21
3788 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

A full page in the Times on Friday advertised a coming auction at Sotheby's of  a Mark Rothko painting.  It is called No. 21 (Red, Brown, Black and Orange).  Here is a picture of it.


Not being a student of modern art, I have not heard of Rothko though apparently he is one of the most famous post war American artists along with Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollack (I have heard of them) and others.  Shows you how much I know.


My first thought looking at the picture of this painting was, "huh?"  Then reading a bit more about it I learned that it is expect to sell for about $50 Million.  Fifty with six more zeros.  That is more money than even Fred has.


When I see the picture of this painting, it looks to me like I am looking down on our box of cat litter and Eve hasn't cleaned it out in a few days.   Clearly I am missing something.   Maybe I am standing to close to it and need to move away.


What do you see when you look at this painting?   I guess it is all in the eye of the beholder.


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