06.12.2013 (4286 days ago)

PR Redux

PR Redux
4286 days ago 8 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

I was wrong.  OK not completely wrong, but when Don last wrote about the Russian Punk protest band "Pussy Riot,"  I thought that they were just a bunch of screwed up kids looking to cause trouble.  After watching a special documentary about them on HBO, I was wrong.


I was right about the fact that nobody has a right to screw with other people's religion.  However, sometimes you need to do a little bit of wrong to engage in a whole lot of right.  I won't regurgitate the entire story, but I will leave you with some insight.  The Russian government locked up several young women for singing rude songs about Putin in a church protest.  The were held in prison without bail for 7 months awaiting trial, and then were convicted of hooliganism and sentenced to two years in prison.  If the Russian government is doing their god's is not any god that I know.


I thought that they were stupid little punk girls looking to get attention and get famous.  I couldn't have been more wrong.  While they may be a little screwed up, they are unquestionably bright, philosophical and righteous.  They probably could have apologized, begged for mercy and gotten much less.  They spoke of freedom, oppression and tyranny.  The live in a country that makes ours look like a utopia and they are willing to make incredible sacrifices to change it. 


If you're the type that misses the 60's, you should definitely watch this special.

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