08.03.2014 (3857 days ago)

Our vacation

Our vacation
3857 days ago 7 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

We are on Martha's Vineyard for few days and today seems to be our second day of rain.


Our first day and a half were sunny and included a trip on the Menemsha bike ferry and then a lovely ride on roads with sights of the sound and beautiful beaches and dunes.  For lunch we stopped at Larson's Fish Market and sat outside on the dock on our beach chairs eating fried clams and fresh lobster.  A car pulled up next to us.  We did not notice its cargo until we got up to leave. Loaded on a trailer were about six large metal boxes marked "DANGER.  LIVE SKUNK."  


Many years ago when my kids were little we camped on the Vineyard and a skunk unexpectedly walked through our site. We froze.  One wrong move and we would have been curtains for our trip.  Luckily the animal just sniffed around and went happily on his way.


I am not sure of their evolutionary development.  I suppose there were a few skunks with just bad gas and they lived while all the other skunks were eaten. 


Yesterday, despite the rain, we had a lovely day and ate well and drank beer and bought some books and a very nice piece of pottery for our dining room table that is really a sink but passes for a large bowl with a hole in the bottom.


We will see what we discover today.  No skunks hopefully.

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