Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.15.2024 (369 days ago)

Our New New Bed

Our New New Bed
369 days ago 22 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Recently we bought a new mattress. The process was a complex one during which we were tested and we tested many mattress options.  

Price aside (inflation is real), it was a complicated trial and error process. Eventually we decided on a thick pillow top mattress with new (full) box springs.  

Then it happened, our new bed was delivered and assembled and, glory be, it stacked up so high that we nearly needed a step stool to mount it. What's more, the pillow top layer made tossing and turning even more difficult and challenging.  

Me being me, I tried to adapt to the new daunting conditions, all the while fearing a longer potential fall out of bed. 

Jo being Jo, declared, on first impression, that she was free of back pain, but little by little complaints seeped out and soon she declared we needed a new new mattress.  

Back we went to the mattress place and, inflation be damned, we found a new new non pillow top mattress and shorter box springs.  

We have tried out our new new bed and, so far, all is well and there is no longer any danger of altitude sickness :)

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