Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.05.2022 (953 days ago)

Our Guy

Our Guy
953 days ago 22 comments Categories: Games Tags:

We have a good friend, Guy deBoer, who is a genuine throwback to the bygone Explorers.  

We admire our Guy for his quest to be the first American to win the Golden Globe, around the World, solo sailor, sail boat, Race.  

He is one of 15 contestants who will start the race in France on September 4th and we will be there to see him off.  

We are part of an energized support group which has lived his dream vicariously since he surfaced it 3 years ago.  

He just completed the first leg of his solo journey by successfully crossing the Atlantic in his 36 foot sail boat, aptly named Spirit.  

Think of it, over 6000 adventurers have crested Mt. Everest, but no American has ever won the GGR race.   When he wins the race Guy will be World famous!

To win, Guy must traverse 30,000 treacherous ocean miles without modern technology, eg GPS, alone with himself and the elements.  It is quite the daunting challenge which he welcomes. 


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