Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
05.28.2024 (285 days ago)

Our Family Veterans

Our Family Veterans
285 days ago 4 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

It seems fitting on Memorial Day when I am writing my blog to remember both my dad and my husband’s dad.


Much to my mother’s chagrin, my dad enlisted.  It was the tail end of the Korean War but he wanted to serve his country.  Mom wasn’t his wife yet but  they had pledged their lives to each other and off he went.


It is hard to imagine what it was like for both of them.  Mom was home waiting for letters and counting the days.  Dad was abroad writing letters and also counting the days.  I’ve seen pictures.  He was very handsome in a uniform.


For most of his time in service, Dad taught English.  He was a teacher by training and upon his return, not only taught but then became Assistant Principal and then Principal of one of the largest schools in the city. He took his job very seriously.


So, when he talked about his time in service, it didn’t surprise me that he took that seriously too.  Dad was lucky in that he didn’t really get close to combat.  The closest he came was a rifle exchange while he was patrolling the canteen.  That was his job too when English classes were finished.


My husband’s dad had a much harder assignment. Older than my dad, he served at the tail end of WWII.  He was a Pharmacy Assistant on a ship that was downed in the Mediterranean Sea.  The way I heard the story, had it not been warm waters he likely would not have survived.  He was also very handsome in a uniform.


Thank you to those who have served in our military.  I encourage you to listen to their stories.


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