Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
11.17.2017 (2666 days ago)

Other Uses

Other Uses
2666 days ago 24 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

You could say this piece is about recycling (which is a good Green thing), but I prefer to think of it as a the start of a primer of stuff which is intended for a specific purpose and has other worthy uses.

My list is as follows:

1) Newspaper bags which serve as poop bags
2) Paper napkins which clean eye glasses
3) Plastic credit cards which unlock doors
4) Tooth brushes to clean jewelry 
5) iPhone photos to copy documents
6) Pets to enhance your immunity
7) mirrors to signal with
8) Hair Blowers to dry an artist's work
9) coffee (caffeine) to maximize a distance runner's utilization of glycogen
10) Use of a heavy 1900s clothes iron (pictured above) as a door stop
11) Candle wax rubbings for lubricating metal (keys)
12) Supermarket shopping bags as garbage bags
13) Using heavy books to press keepsake flowers
14) Using barbells as hammers
15) Newspaper for a variety of uses
16) Coins for screwing
17) Boiled Windex to clean jewelry (with a tooth brush)
18) Dental floss for a variety of purposes
19) Pepper to fend off chickens
20) Hawaiian shorts for good Yankee luck!

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