08.13.2015 (3497 days ago)

Original Tart

Original Tart
3497 days ago 4 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

There's a local frozen yogurt place in our neighborhood. We built up a lot of loyalty points enjoying their yogurt until one day, about a year ago,when they stopped serving “Original Tart”.
The owner explained that my favorite flavor was not a big seller. I was in disbelief because, for me, it was the only flavor that tasted remotely like yogurt.
We found another frozen yogurt place. Although not local, it did carry an original tart. Infrequently we returned to the local place and compromised with a different flavor.
Until the other day. We walked past the local place and decided to have a little yogurt. To our pleasant surprise there was “Original Tart” in its old and honored place next to “Raspberry Sorbet”.
The owner was at the register. We expressed our happiness over the return of our favorite flavor and asked why it had been brought back.
“I couldn't take the complaining anymore. But it still doesn't sell.”  I pondered his answer for a moment and suggested that he advertise the return of “Original Tart” with a sign in the window that announced “Original Tart for Original Tarts”. (And, I told him to make sure that he got the spelling right.)

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