01.22.2014 (4065 days ago)

Organ Donor With a Wonderful Gift

Organ Donor With a Wonderful Gift
4065 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The power of Gotham reveals itself on a regualar basis.  This time, it presented me with an opportunity to do something nice for someone special.




My Mom played the organ for years.  I remember listening to her when I was growing up, even playing a little myself, stumbling through my book of Beatles songs when I was younger.  Often, she would sit there for hours with the head phones on, not because anyone would compain about the music, but more likely just so that she wouldn't risk bothering anyone.  At some point, I'm not sure when, her organ broke and she stopped playing.




The other day I stumbled across a Fred's List Post from Maddy Sutera.  Maddy just started with Austin Williams, and I have been lucky to have met her a few times in the past (She is wonderful, bright and passionate about doing good work if you can ever use her services).  She posted a message from a friend of hers Vera Peterson (who also claims that Maddy is quite the musician), indicating that she and her husband had replaced their organ and were willing to give their old one away if you were willing to come get it.




So off I went, a borrowed SUV, 4 hours and $62.50 in gas and tolls later, I brought the gift of music back into my Mom's life.  My mother is generally very emotionally reserved, but when I asked her on the phone if she was interested in it, she got noticeably excited.  She probably never would have bothered getting it for herself.  Since my Dad passed right before Christmas, my mom is now alone in the house.  Last night she texted me around 10pm telling me how much she was enjoying playing.




Thanks to Maddy, Vera and Gotham!

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