Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
11.09.2013 (4139 days ago)


4139 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I'm excited. Today is the first ever Gotham Oratorical contest and I'm one of the judges. Fred wrote about it in his blog on 10.18.13 If you're not familiar with the term, it's the art and skill of public speaking. Something I love to do :)


This contest is for High School students only and even more impressive is that Nancy's daughter Jackee created and is adminstrating it.


Now judging, in my opinion, is an art form even though there will be criteria we need to abide by. It's also controversial...can anyone say Gotham Battle of the Bands?


I will add to this blog later to give you an update on what happened. In the meantime, any suggestions on judging would be helpful. Especially if you've judged before...and you can share it :)

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