Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
07.30.2021 (1324 days ago)

Opportunity Knocks

Opportunity Knocks
1324 days ago 18 comments Categories: Games Tags:

When I first learned that my fanfav Aaron Judge and 9 other Yankee teammates would be sidelined for 10 days for testing positive for Covid I was crestfallen. Seriously dim viewed!

But, as usual, my time tested adage “Up is down and down is up” proved true as the Yankees dipped into their minor league system for replacements and some, if not all, saw that opportunity knocks and seized on their chance and knocked it out of the park!

I am so pleased with these younger, faster and more eager pinstripers that I’m excited in a new/old way.

There is a great lesson here for all of us: keep your eyes open, see an opportunity and pounce!  Don’t vacillate, see and seize the momentary opening that is presented.

I know, as a classic example, Lou Gehrig did when Wally Pipp had a headache.

PS I wonder if Aaron Judge was vaccinated…

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