Crysti Farra
01.29.2025 (36 days ago)


36 days ago 18 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

...come in many forms. 

I would like to offer a new opportunity to our wonderful Gothamites.


A new Long Island Dinner Group is set to kick off on April 29th! Come one come all, ride the circuit. Join old friends, make new friends and explore all that is the best about Gotham. Help Shawn Bernabeu.  Carly Hariton and I, along with Nancy Schess and others as we kick off this new venture in opportunity!


Davenport Press in Mineola, just steps from the LIRR train station. 


Stay tuned for further details to be posted soon, very soon, so you don't miss YOUR opportunity that is calling!

Remember, What goes around, comes around!

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