Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.12.2020 (1728 days ago)


1728 days ago 28 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It seems that this is the season for the expression of very strong opinions about everything that swirls around us.  

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about Typhoid Mary because she was asymptomatic and compared her to those today who are asymptomatic for Covid19 and used this as a set up to implore folks to wear masks.  

I was taken aback by the vigorous opposition comments to my blog. I realized far too late that I had stumbled into a symbolic political mine field. 

One of our blogging rules is that almost anything goes, except politics and I have labored to stay within that line.  

When my father disagreed with someone he would control himself and respond with a calm “You’re entitled to your opinion.”  The more I live and experience the more I realize he was a sagacious role model.  

As Rodney King said Can’t we just get along?

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What qualifies as a subject of legitimate debate? (NYTimes posed question)Almost anything in this polarized world, strained by the corona Virus. You are good to remind us that conversation involves respectful listening as well as speaking.

Posted By : Rebecca Bennett