Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.30.2018 (2536 days ago)

Open Your Mind!

Open Your Mind!
2536 days ago 31 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

In these politically charged times I am amazed at the number of people who I truly like and respect who are diametrically opposed to my political point of view.  

I think I have my feet on the ground and have a balanced point of view and am willing to listen to both sides. However, when I listen to some of my opposing view good friends I question my sanity. I think to myself,  Is this what the twilight zone is like?

The cop out resort is not to discuss politics at dinner with good friends, but what good is that?

These are "strange days indeed" and where is John Lennon when we need him?

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