Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
05.25.2013 (4304 days ago)

Only seven minutes

Only seven minutes
4304 days ago 11 comments Categories: Health Tags:

We all want the silver bullet when it comes to exercise and diet. This will add fuel to the fire...a recent article in the May-June issue of the American College of Sports Medicine’s Health & Fitness Journal says you only need about 7 minutes performing 12 specific exercises (image on left) using only a chair and a wall, no weights or machines. 

It has been proven by scientists that even a few minutes of training at an intensity approaching your maximum capacity produces molecular changes within muscles comparable to those of several hours of running or bike riding.

The article states that these 12 exercises should be performed in rapid succession, allowing 30 seconds for each, while, throughout, the intensity hovers at about an 8 on a discomfort scale of 1 to 10, Mr. Jordan says. Those seven minutes should be, in a word, unpleasant. The upside is, after seven minutes, you’re done.


Do you believe that's enough? 

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