Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
12.21.2015 (3369 days ago)

One Word

One Word
3369 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I saw a news report recently about an artist whose business is making bracelets. Each bracelet consists of colored string tied to a circle upon which a single word is imprinted. You choose the word and the artist imprints it onto the bracelet.

Turns out it isn’t easy to pick one word that has significance, important enough to look at every day. For me, I wondered if the circle was large enough to hold the word “Elephant.” That is my word. I own elephant coffee mugs and carved wooden elephants. One year my husband even gave me an elephant bracelet for my birthday. (It is one of my favorite pieces).

Why this obsession with elephants? Because they represent my favorite phrase and teaching moment – “Embrace the Elephant”. It works in so many places – lessons for my children, handling business matters, and on and on.  If there is an elephant in a room, most times a big hug is just what is called for to put it to rest.

So, my word is elephant. What would yours be?

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