Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.14.2017 (2892 days ago)

One Country

One Country
2892 days ago 28 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

So much is going on in his first 100 days and there is so much polarization in our country.  It truly is enough to make One's head spin. 

No matter your political leaning or how you feel about the style and manner of POTUS, we are still one country. 

We need to settle down, find common ground and perpetuate our unique democracy, i.e.: "indivisable, with liberty and justice for all"!

How this can or will happen I can not really say, but in my lifetime we have always found a way, no matter how dire or turbulent the situation. 

Hard to believe Ivanka and Jared might be so pivotal.  Nepotism need not always be a negative.

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