Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.03.2018 (2412 days ago)

On Time

On Time
2412 days ago 30 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

When I was young I suffered from severe youthful irresponsibility which was best exemplified by being habitually late. It’s a fact that I was an hour late to my PSAT test. As a consequence, I really hated myself for this characteristic which forced me to flip into a person who hates to be late.

One of our biggest disagreements in our long and bountiful marriage is that Joanne doesn’t need to be early and I have to be.

One of the consequential manifestations of this trait is that my watch is set five minutes fast.

It was music to my ears to learn that MSNBC rising star Ari Melber sets his watch seven minutes fast!

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