Cayce Crown
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11.30.2016 (3008 days ago)

On This Day

On This Day
3008 days ago 6 comments Categories: Politics Tags:Brady, Winchester, Divorce, Chisholm, Wilde

As Fred often says, Down is Up and Up is Down.

In 1810, on this day, Oliver Winchester was born, known for manufacturing and marketing the Winchester Repeating Rifle, with thousands of rifles in the hands of the average pioneer, the rifles gained a reputation as "the gun that won the West."

In 1993, on this day, the Brady bill was signed, making a 5 day waiting period mandatory for the purchase of handguns.

In 1940, on this day, Lucy and Desi were married.

Lucy bones

In 1974, on this day, "Lucy" one of our earliest (3.2 million years ago) ancestors was discovered in Ethiopia.

It is also the birthday of Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Dick Clark, G.Gordon Liddy, Abbie Hoffman and Shirley Chisholm, first black candidate and the first woman to run for president. Strange bedfellows.

In 1900, on this day, Oscar Wilde dies in a Paris hotel room after saying of the room’s wallpaper: “One of us had to go.”


I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability.  - Oscar Wilde

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