Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.19.2014 (3828 days ago)


3828 days ago 14 comments Categories: Health Tags:

When I was young I had
no direction and wondered aimlessly and accomplished little.

I can't pinpoint the moment in time when my self hatred overwhelmed my sloth, but there was a metamorphosis as I got into sports and athletics. I learned about training and getting into shape as a competitive necessity.

Then the running boom arrived and I became a runner and through trial and error became a pretty good marathoner as I piled up the necessary training miles. And then it was the need to run every day and then it was a nearly 2 year running streak of at least 2 miles/day.  In the end, I ran 55,000 miles (over twice around the World) and broke down. I would "joke" that if I was a car with 55,000 miles on my odometer, I would trade me in.

In fact, I traded running for swimming.

Now it is swimming every day and today is my 97th straight day of swimming a half mile. My personal record is 140 straight days of such swimming.

Can you  relate to any of this?

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