09.03.2020 (1635 days ago)

ONe-Way Aisles

ONe-Way Aisles
1635 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Our local supermarket follows the guidelines for masks and social distancing. In addition to monitoring the number of people inside, masks, and providing disinfecting wipes when you enter, the supermarket has imposed “one-way” aisles. A good idea from my perspective.
It is annoying to me that some people don’t respect the designated direction of the aisles. More than annoying —because of the health reasons for the one-ways and the risk when not observed.
I wonder whether ignoring the arrows on the floor and above is deliberate, perhaps some form of political statement, a state of oblivion, or a resistance to being told what to do.
Is our local supermarket a microcosm of what’s going on?

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