Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
01.02.2019 (2244 days ago)

Now What?

Now What?
2244 days ago 10 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

So, we've started another glorious year.

I've only the one resolution, to be kinder to myself and whoever I come across in the wonderful world of ours.

Now that its January 2nd, how do you keep the momentum of a fresh start going?


I meditate, surround myself with kind people and do my best to stay in the present.

And, of course, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude.

In my circle, there have been births and deaths, loss and gain, LOVE and not so loving. I've survived and thrived with the roller coaster, making it smoother where I can.

Enjoy this short trip of the mortal coil, unless you want to do something else.


"It is never too late to be what you might have been.” - George Eliot, aka Mary Anne Evans

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