Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
11.02.2019 (1905 days ago)

Novel idea

Novel idea
1905 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

What would you do to get an internship...


Gursimran Singh, who studies computer science at Georgia Tech, used sticky notes to spellSticky note out "HIRE ME" on a window in his apartment that faces the headquarters of the tech company NCR.

The next morning the folks at NCR responded with their own sticky note: "EMAIL?"


Singh said "I never expected them to continue the conversation, but they did, so it was pretty amazing for me," Singh told CNN

He said he started email correspondence with NCR employees and eventually ended up receiving a summer internship interview offer from the company's vice president of IT.


I think it would have been great if they continued the converstion in sticky notes :-)

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