Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
06.04.2023 (631 days ago)

Notes on a Schedule

Notes on a Schedule
631 days ago 14 comments Categories: Music Tags:

A time not so long ago I could blog on a list of summer concerts I'd plan to attend that included many free shows.  So far any free show list appears elusive in terms of original bands and performers.  While I remain on watch for such musical performances, I found a need to list upcoming shows I plan to attend through the summer.  This occurred when I could not recite the list of shows I had tickets for this summer following an email exchange with my friend and active Gothamite Mike Steger.  Mike had just tipped me off to a series of Jackson Browne shows at the Beacon Theatre.  When I advised Mike that I got my tickets I am attending one of those concerts with my daughter Marisa), he called because the presale link he shared with me did not seem to work for him.  Evidently he needed to update his fan club listing while I had benefitted from a brand new listing.  

Not able to quickly run through a list of my shows, I decided to make a list in my Notes app so I was on top of my plans.  I made a nice list and also noted some shows I need to consider getting tickets for.

Followers of this blog already know of the show Shelly and I attended in New Jersey last month to see Richie Furay.  The upcoming plans include Shelly and I seeing Justin Hayward (pic at left) of the Moody Blues and Christopher Cross.  Then I take my daughter to see Dead and Company at Citi Field.  Mom and daughter then accompany me to Chicago and Belinda Carlisle concerts and an end of summer show by Squeeze.  In between father and daughter take in Jim Messina, the aforementioned Mr. Browne and the "Boss" (aka Bruce Springsteen).

Husband and wife also take in a Broadway musical, Some Like it Hot next month.

The above list may not be the final note so stay tuned to this space.


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