Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
12.23.2018 (2264 days ago)

Not Big Brother, But

Not Big Brother, But
2264 days ago 8 comments Categories: Music Tags:Dylan, iTunes, YouTube,

Not a big brother story like Fred blogged but aerie, but in a nice way.


Oh and it involves a brother, too.


And Fred makes an appearance at that!


On Thursday, my brother, Robby, emailed, “My girlfriend Jen picked me up to get my car from the mechanic. She told me she had a freaky story. She wanted to listen to Dylan songs, but not sung by Dylan. She looked in Apple music, and the top playlist was by.... YOU! We wondered: are you number 1, or is this another example of “smart” phone technology listening to us?”


So I have five song lists posted to YouTube and covered in Gotham blogs,


Songs To Ring In The New Year,


Happy Holidays in song,


Songs to Inspire and


Songs of Love.


I also created song lists (better known as “playlists”) in my iTunes.


Not the type to create lists for a long ride or drive, I tend to prefer playing albums.


One playlist Norm Spizz asked me to create for Gotham’s June 9, 2014 holiday party. The plan involved Norm downloading the list in dropbox and setting it up. Anyway, when I arrived I “lost” my phone to the stereo system.


Another goes back to when Gotham bloggers, well before I secured this regular blogging “gig,” collaborated on a “Story week.” I created alternative stories in the comments section one year and for a few years that followed conspired with my co-Networker of the Year, Josh Zinder, to recruit five other “pirate” bloggers to post alternative stories in the comments. In 2012, my first “intervention,” I referenced a number of songs so Fred suggested I create a playlist for him. I also gifted Fred a playlist (“Fred’s Muzak”) when he went Apple on his mobile.


Apparently because I selected, “Publish on profile and in search,” if you have Apple Music you can enjoy the selections. Of course if you have Spotify, I can share the list and you can replicate. Or if neither, you might be able to do so in Youtube (The one’s I did not create there.).


Gotham certainly shows some reach.


Who’d thunk?




So back to the playlist Robby emailed about.


I replied, “Interesting question but my Apple Music playlists are PUBLIC.


"Maybe no one else made a Dylan covers list.


"Or mine is the best.


"I think I made it for (or was inspired to create it by) my friend, Fred Klein, copied on this email.”


My recollection is Fred asked. It might have emanated from one of his Forever Young theme blogs. And I delivered.


So I suggested to Fred the topic might merit a blog; he concurred.


Of course his was already canned, and unlike this commentator who sometimes replaced a planned weekly column back in the day because something more timely called out to me, Fred goes with what he put in queue. I seized the “opening.”


Hope you enjoyed this breakthrough.


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