Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.06.2019 (2159 days ago)

No mind

No mind
2159 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

All we can be is ourself. At home, business, networking, with friends, family, etc. It is when we are truly present and authentic can we connect with ourselves and the people in our lives.


No mindThis reminds me of a scene in The Last Samuri as Tom Cruise is practicing combat with a wooden Samuri sword. He is continually getting a beat down until a young man comes over to him and says "No mind." It is only then that he is not beaten by the Samuri he is practicing with. He can clear his mind and truly exist in that time and space...totally present.


I find it increasingly difficult to do so in today's fast paced multi channel, multi tasking environment.       It's funny but I just stopped writing this to answer an email :-)!


Somtimes I'm able to find the spaces where creativity exists. In between focussed efforts or fast paced multi-tasking there is room where I seek no mind.


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