Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
11.28.2014 (3758 days ago)

No Thanks Given!

No Thanks Given!
3758 days ago 19 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

As an alternative to this Season's usual profusion of expressions of Thanks I would like to publish a "No Thanks Given", if not worse, list of inappropriate everyday conduct and things which I hate. 

"Hate" is a very strong word and has a highly negative connotation so maybe I should say "greatly dislike", but you get my drift.

Here we go:

1) The Cross Bronx Expressway (no thanks to Robert Moses)
2) People who get in my face aggresively and make unreasonable requests (demands) aka "Takers".
3) People who promise, but rarely deliver (liars)
4) Drivers who cut in front of me on an off ramp line (takers)
5) People who ask for work product for their own recycling
6) People who stand in the left (climbing) lane of the Subway escalator
7) Neighbor's trees that fall onto my property and cause damage
8) People who never pick up the check
9) People who go on and on and on during their elevator speach
10) A packed elavator or subway car stuck in the tunnel
11) People who are unkind to and prey upon less fortunate people under their influence
13) People who cold call and act as if it is a follow up call
14) People who ask for 30 minutes of my time
15) Red light and Speed Zone cameras
16) seeing "Loading" when I look for an email
17) Unseasonably cold weather
18) People who stand in front of me at a concert
19) People who are rough on my dog
20) Quiters

I could go on and on... 

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