03.10.2013 (4379 days ago)

No Thank You

No Thank You
4379 days ago 8 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

I would not be a very good president.  Not that anyone is asking.  Most of us are not thinking about the next race already having grown tired of the last one.  But just to be clear for the record, I am not running and will not accept my party's nomination.


For one, as nice as the White House must be, I would not work well at home.  I would be going down to the Oval Office barefoot in my flannel pajama bottoms, my oversize Wisconsin long sleeve tshirt with Bucky the Badger on it, and my Grateful Dead coffee mug.  The photographers would have a field day with that.


I also couldn't resist sneaking upstairs in the afternoon for a quick nap.   Harry Truman used to.  He also used to have a little bourbon every morning at 11, which is probably why he needed the nap.  I image though if the leader of the free world wanted a snooze every once in awhile who is going to say no.


I am also too thin skinned to be president.  There is always someone who hates him and says mean things.  I would be too consumed with that and it would make me crazy and hurt my feelings too much, though if it came from Michelle Bachmann I would probably just roll my eyes and snort.


Privacy would be another problem.  Between aides and secret service there is always somebody with the president.  I wouldn’t want someone hanging around in my office all day or following me wherever I go -- unless maybe if it was Diane Lane, and I am sure she isn't interested.  I wonder how often he just sits at his desk to work all by himself and closes the door for a few hours, holding all calls.  Maybe that's when you take the nap.

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