Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
04.09.2023 (686 days ago)

No Seder at home

No Seder at home
686 days ago 10 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:Passover, Seder

No Seder at home this Passover


There may not have been a year since our marriage that when we remained in New York that Shelly and I did not host a Passover Seder.  On quick recall I cannot recollect since our home was the only “space” large enough to accommodate her family.  Yeah we enjoyed Seders away from home than when we visited Marisa when she lived in California (once year in Vegas; the other in San Diego. Also two times when Passover coincided with our visit to mom after she and my stepdad moved to Florida, the second after he passed. 

In New York, on the nights we did not host we sometimes accepted invites to Seders hosted by close friends - they know who they are - and we thank them here for the invite.

This year, despite remaining in New York, our home served not as a Seder site.

Instead, with mom living once again in New York, we took advantage of the nice offer of her Sunrise-Fleetwood senior living community to hold our seder with mom where she lived.  I recall mom expressed apprehension Sunday when I visited her (first time after our return from Israel) that it might be too many visitors.

Marisa ever the great organizer ordered the kosher for Passover up meal which I picked.  Marisa also used her parents’ “white car” (we used the “blue car”) to pick up mom’s other grandson Doug from deep in Brooklyn for a long drive to Mount Vernon where mom lives minutes off the Cross County Parkway.  Jonathan delegated by his sister brought wine and Matzoh.  

I dropped off Shelly and the catered meal at the entrance before parking. Mom was inside waiting for us.  We took the elevator to the 2d floor dining room equipped with oven and microwave where I heated the main course and Matzoh Ball Soup.

When all gathered we began our seder.

Marisa made a plate for her grandmother.

We think it is the latest mom stayed up since her return.  

We were not sure we would pull it off as smoothly as it went but the grandchildren helped make it go smoothly and Shelly was her usual calm presence.

Best mom was happy.

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Hellos to all and delighted that you were all together for Passover. Phyllis must have been happy to be surrounded by loving, caring family! Hope you are all well!

Posted By : Ina bearak helfand