08.24.2014 (3837 days ago)


3837 days ago 9 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

Most mornings I get a cup of coffee at a place next to my office and I bring it upstairs.  One small coffee for $1.60.  I hand over two bills, and they give me my change, an empty cup (that sometimes they stick their fingers in)....and a receipt.


I really don't need documentary proof of this transaction.  No receipt is necessary.


When I first started going there I would grab the change, and the receipt, and put them in my pocket, only to have to throw it away when I got home.


I started saying to the counterperson, "thank you, but I don't need the receipt."  Then I shortened that to "I don't need the receipt."  Then I just started dropping the receipt on the counter and only keeping the change, but sometimes I would also drop that change so that became a headache.  I also got tired of repeating "no receipt please" every day and I started saying it in my sleep.


I was frustrated.  But it still was a better option than going to Starbucks which has much longer lines and there coffee is $2.04 which means I have to carry a lot more change in my pocket.


I started taking the receipt and just leaving it on tahe counter where you fill up your cup with coffee.  Maybe if they always have to pick it up and throw it away they will stop giving it to me.  After doing that for months, it appears not to be working.

I am thinking of just dropping my receipt on the floor.  Or maybe collecting them and mailing back to them a month's worth of receipts.


I am open to suggestions.

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