10.04.2018 (2335 days ago)


2335 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

In the whirlwind of the confirmation, the subject of nicknames appears in the periphery. Specifically, the memory of nicknames from our youth.
So, I’ll share my story. An attempt to obliterate my nickname of long ago.
They called me Benjie.
When I went off to college, I was determined to leave my nickname behind forever. I would answer to Ben and nothing else.
My plan worked, or so it seemed. Through college and law school the old nickname remained in its dark place.
It was on my first day of work after law school. New firm. Exciting beginning. And the lawyer in the office next to mine was an old friend from high school who greeted me with a great big “Benjie!”
I’m not sure he ever called me Benjie again. We’re still friends and he calls me Ben.
Every once in a while, I’ll run into someone who knew me when and  I’ll hear the name from long ago.

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