Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
09.27.2021 (1258 days ago)

Newspaper Days

Newspaper Days
1258 days ago 18 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

You all know how much I treasure my LIRR commute and how much peace and calm it brings me.


I was reminiscing the other day about the old days when the morning newspaper was a part of the daily ritual.  Part of getting me through any particular commute was looking forward to reading the newspaper – newsprint on my fingers and all.  There was just something special about digging into a story, whether it was a serious news story, a whimsical recounting or a restaurant review.  None of it mattered.  It was just the experience of flipping the pages -- went well with my morning commute.


I haven’t touched a newspaper in years.  Now, my news comes from multiple channels of disjointed media.  News about my professional work comes from daily e-letters. It’s magical how they just show up in my inbox every day at exactly the same time.  Other news comes from any number of news aggregators and articles of interest from periodicals across the board.


But it is not a "cover to "cover experience anymore.  I don’t get that same sense of gratification having finished the newspaper as I remember in the early days of commuting.  To the contrary, now I find it is hard to know when to stop.  There is no last page on your iPad.


Any of you still have newsprint on your hands?

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