Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.26.2019 (1912 days ago)

New found respect

New found respect
1912 days ago 14 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I have a new understanding and respect for those that use make up. It was last Tuesday at the dermatologist that my awakening began.


While I'm sitting there discussing skin care, she says "What's that?" looking closely at my nose. "We need to get a sample of that." Before I could say anything I'm lying down and she is putting novocaine (or something like that) into my nose and getting the scalpel ready.


I tell her that tomorrow morning I'm giving a workshop to 75 people at Hofstra and ask if we can we do this another time. She says "Don't worry, I'll give you make up." I'm not arguing because she has a knife in her hand :) I walk out with a bandage on my nose and a pink bag with makeup and an applicator.


The next morning I apply the make up and it looks terrible. It's looks like a spot of flesh colored goo on my nose that doesn't match my skin. I rummage through my wife's make up bag and started testing some powder and brushes dabbing, wiping and trying everything. After a half hour I finally give up and figure it is what it is.


What a process. Luckily I did a good enough job that people didn't notice (at least I think so). I now have some understanding of the painstaking work that's involved using make up. I get it...


BTW it's back to the bandaids for me :-)

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