01.17.2024 (403 days ago)

New Year Goal Setting

New Year Goal Setting
403 days ago 6 comments Categories: Blogging for Money Tags:

So, we got through 2023 with all it’s ups and downs. The economy seems to be on track now. Gas prices are low, but the world still has its issues (sadly). My thoughts early on this year are of what can one do to make this year a better one.

For me, my work year was not great in 2023. I did not hit my plan and the focus needs to be on creating new opportunities and not rely mostly on the past customers that had been keeping me afloat. That means more networking, more prospecting and more touches with whoever I am working with. I am in the process of completing a business plan that will reflect on the positives and negatives of 2023. But more importantly, focus on goals and how to attain what I need to do for improvement. These must be specific and measurable. Putting this on paper should help guide me to making it happen.

So, what are your goals for this new year? Please share your strategies to attain them.

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