Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
08.23.2016 (3118 days ago)

New Normal

New Normal
3118 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


We were sitting at the airport chatting and waiting for Jaclyn’s plane to land. Eric was busy playing a game on his phone. Just an ordinary afternoon in our house.

A man sat across from us with his luggage poised right next to his chair. When we turned a few minutes later though he was gone – but his luggage was left behind in the same spot. We watched for a bit not thinking much but after a while started to think about the warnings you hear all through the city about unattended packages.   It had been a long time.

Jaclyn’s plane was called and we stood to greet her but the traveler had not yet returned to his luggage. Bill approached an airport worker who offered no help or thoughts.

Just then the traveler reappeared, claimed his luggage and left. And the day returned to new normal.

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